The Lion House may not be a completed project, but that has not stopped tours and parties from being held here. There have been several scheduled tours including the Junior League of Columbus, Instructional tours with local historian and History Professor Dr. John Luphold, and a Christmas tour including 273 guests, in 1997.

I have hosted four Seances to date in the house. Cassonya Douglas and Norma Belvin, organizers of the Isis Metaphysical Center, (1400 3rd Ave, Columbus), have led these Seances and claim the Lion House contains many ghosts. They have given ghost tours on occasion. (No, I have never seen a ghost here!!)

In 1999 and 2000, I hosted the Riverfest Folk Artist Party at the Lion House. All of the Folk Artists from the festival were invited to attend. It is an easy party for them to come to. They stay at the Hotel right behind the house. The guest list includes around 150.

Saturday nights usually include guests who drop in for cocktails prior to going out to the downtown night life. It just helps to confirm that the Lion House is not just a house, but a home that is vibrant, fun and full of life!

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